Under the Bright Summer Lights:
A Solstice Retreat
If you have a question that you want to ask your soul or the universe
If you ache for infinite stretches of time to unfold on the warm earth
If you long to let your mind unfurl against a canvas of deep, uninterrupted silence
This is your chance
The canyon calls and you are invited to answer
Beneath the bright lights of the summer sky…
This summer solstice you are invited to a nourishing, easeful, dreamtime retreat under the bright lights of the Oregon sky. Gather with a small group of humans and a larger group of more than humans on peaceful land to listen to the deep quiet and converse with birds, stars, sky, the moon. Bring your soul questions or show up with no agenda - all will be held.
Just as our ancestors sought guidance and solace by journeying intentionally away from the village and into the natural world, so you can come out and be.
We will spend 4 days and 3 nights in loosely guided vigil. Twice daily circles and other emergent offerings will be available but optional.
On this longest day of light, bring your curiosity, your fear, your grief, your longing, and be held and loved by the full moon, the bright summer stars, and the sun-warmed earth.
I invite you to reach out if this retreat calls to you.
Proposed Schedule
6/20 Thursday eve:
Potluck dinner and meet and greet, set up camp
Star presentation at the Goldendale Observatory
6/21 Friday:
9am breakfast and morning meditation/intention setting
Optional dream group
1pm lunch buffet style on your own
6pm dinner
7pm group circle
6/22 Saturday:
9am breakfast and morning meditation/intention setting
Optional dream group
1pm lunch buffet style on your own
6pm dinner and circling
After dinner show and tell, storyweaving
6/23 Sunday:
10am breakfast and camp breakdown
11am land service
1pm depart
All meals provided, dietary restrictions honored
Bring your own van, tent, sleeping bag, hammock - we will be sleeping on the land. Equipment may be available to borrow or rent if needed
Cost $450 - $650 Sliding Scale
Retreat will be held on private land near the Columbia River Gorge, approximately 2 hours from Portland.
The Inspiration for this Retreat:
One of the most transformative practices that I have implemented over the years for myself is that of deep attunement over time.
For this practice, I give myself as much time as I can and I dedicate that time to finding a rhythm of call and response with myself. This involves listening to my self/body/soul and then, as best I am able, giving myself what my self asks for.
If it is absolutely impossible to give myself that thing, I practice offering myself a lot of comfort and stillness and sweetness and, when we are done grieving not having that need met, and being held in that grief, we move towards negotiating - trying to find something that is possible and close to what we are longing for. I have found this to be the most endlessly nourishing practice.
This retreat was created with this practice in mind ~ to help others find deep attunement with themselves, however that looks. Deep attunement can be completely unstructuref or it can involve more specific intentions. I invite you to reach out with questions or interest.